Friday, November 13, 2009

Is your agent Tech-savvy???

Is your agent Tech-savvy or not???

90% of all home buyers use the internet to find their next home, according to a survey by The National Association of Realtors®, yet many agents resist using technology to market their listings.

As I look around other communities with the thought of perhaps moving there I am always disappointed by the lack of information other agents post about a property. Hey, I’m buying a house I want tons of pictures- I don’t think you can have too many. So many times all I get is the front of the house. I also think a big part is the house’s layout- how about a diagram of where the master bedroom lies in relation to the kids bedrooms etc. It isn’t that hard to take the time to showcase a property on the Internet.

Or sometimes I come upon a host of pictures of the toilet. Now let me tell you, as a realtor, it is hard sometimes to get a decent shot of a small room in a home. (that’s why I like the blueprint idea or a video tour) but as the old adage goes: a picture is worth a thousand words.

One of the biggest reasons I went into the real estate industry was due to the fact, that as a customer, I couldn’t find the kind of information I wanted online. I started in 2001 and I haven’t seen much improvement in the local or even national content since.

As a customer the best thing you can do is to go to a search engine and type in what you are looking for, in our case that would be “Ottumwa Iowa real estate” once you have entered this who comes up??? AND are they on the first page of the search engine. If the search engines cant find a real estate site then neither can buyers!!! This seems like a common sense issue to me, but, too many times a Seller is happy just to see their homes pictures online and they forget how they had to type a link in exactly right to get there.

People want to shop online- not sign away their lives, phone numbers and email addresses- I hate when I go to a site that won’t allow me to just look. (and like most shoppers I will go someplace else to see what I want) The Internet is so powerful – it offers online shopping 24/7 so why are agents not utilizing this to its full extent??

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